When Weight-Loss Leads to Bigger Things

If you read my last post then you already know that three weeks ago, I committed to a 21 Day Accountability group in an attempt to get motivated and back on track with my health and fitness. What I didn’t realize was how much this group was going to change my life. Allow me to start from the beginning…

Joining the group meant committing to 21 days of following a workout plan of my choice and drinking a nutrient dense shake. Each of us chose whatever workout would best help us achieve our goals and shake that would best please our taste buds. For me, that meant T25 and a combination of Cafe Latte, Chocolate and Vanilla shakes. As far as the workout goes, I chose T25 because like many of you I’m sure, a 25 minute workout is about all of the time I can squeeze in these days. The company describes it as “an hour workout in 25 minutes.” They aren’t joking! It’s been awesome–hard work, but awesome. As for the shake, I’m obsessed. God, is it delicious. It’s not a weight-loss shake or a protein shake, which is what a lot of people assume. It’s a shake that is filled with the nutrients and superfoods that your body needs to function at it’s best ability. My husband has even started getting his own vegan shakes and loves them too. It’s like we’ve seen the light and the light is a shake. 

Every day during the challenge our coach Lindsay would check in with us and come up with ways to share what we’d accomplished and what we’d struggled with. She found creative and insightful ways for us to become better versions of ourselves, both physically and mentally. Each week we took photos of our progress, measurements of our body and got on the scale. The emphasis of the group was more about how you felt than what those numbers read, but heck, when those numbers started coming down, I was ecstatic! At the end of our three weeks, I had lost 7 pounds and 6 1/2 inches. I feel the best that I’ve felt in a really long time. This is just the beginning though for me! I intend on reclaiming this new mama body and making it as strong and healthy as I can. That can’t happen in three short weeks, but I know now that it’s not far off!

I have to tell you, I was absolutely blown away by Lindsay’s role in all of this. Every day she encourages people to give life their all. She sees her work pay off as men and women transform from the inside out. I thought to myself, “how incredible is it to change people’s lives every single day?” She loves her job. It is rewarding and allows her the freedom to be with her family. A dream job in my book.

It is really unbelievable how life seems to work it’s way out. It’s as if I was put in this group to set me on course for a new journey. After talking to Lindsay about what my goals are for my body and for my life, we both decided that becoming a coach myself was the next natural step for me to take. And so, it is with the utmost excitement that I can share with you all that I am officially a Beachbody coach. 

Now I’ll tell you, about three years ago I did Insanity with my husband and my brother. But truth be told, we didn’t follow the program to a t. We didn’t drink the shakes or get through all of the weeks of exercises. What a difference that makes! So if you’re sitting here reading this thinking, “oh I’ve done those programs,” and you didn’t truly DO them or you didn’t go through the challenge group, then you don’t know. These things were created by people who have spent years and years mastering how to sculpt a body. They know what they’re doing. So if you want to give it a real shot then send me an email at nicole.m.bogen@gmail.com. We can do this thing together! Now if you’re a person reading this thinking what I did about Lindsay and the role of the coach, click here and let’s see if we’re a good fit! My team is growing so quickly, it’s incredible.

I hope for everybody that each of you finds what works for you. It’s the greatest thing in the world when you find something that simultaneously excites you, brings you joy and moves you forward. For me that’s Beachbody. Heck, it could be for you too!

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